    • Returns must be made within 20 days of the delivery date. You must use our return label. If you don't, you will be responsible for paying the costs of the return label. If you utilize any addresses that you have found that we did not provide to you, we will not permit a refund. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.

    • Please email us if you need a return label. Again, your item must be unused and undamaged in order to be eligible for a return.
    • Refunded funds may take 4-10 business days to show up on your method of purchase.
    • In the unlikely situation that your product is faulty or incorrect, please see above and read about DAMAGED/INCORRECT ORDERS under our ORDER ISSUES Section. We are more than happy to fix any mistakes we might have made!
    • We do not offer refunds on shipping.


    • At this time we do not offer exchanges due to our stock constantly changing. We apologize for the incovenience! 
    • Due to our stock levels constantly fluctuating and limited inventory, we've  found that returns for refunds, then re-ordering a product, provides a more efficient ordering process for the customer. Please see above for Return information. 

    Oversold Items

    • In the extremely rare occasion that this happens, we will refund you for item(s) out of stock and ship out the rest of your order to you.